Monday, September 22, 2008
Bon Voyage Summer

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sit with Me

Come sit with me so we can cuddle
Come sit with me so we can read a story
Come sit so we can read how the prince saves the day
Come sit so we can see how the princess saves the castle
Come sit so we can learn how the grass grows and the world turns
Come sit sow we can hear why the birds sing and frogs croak
Come sit so we can share a moment of quite
Come sit with me before you grown and gone
Come sit with me so I can tell you how special you are
Monday, September 15, 2008
Zucchini Freezing Experiment #2

Hmm, if I can grate zucchini and store it in the freezer for later maybe I can do slices. Well that was the next thoughts which lead to another experiment. I found 3 smaller zucchinis to experiment with. I sliced them into disk and lightly sprayed them with some cooking spray before spreading them out over a cookie sheet. I filled 2 sheets then stacked them. I slipped them into the freezer for a few hours. After they were completely frozen, I placed them into 2 freezer bags which I then put into a larger freezer bag. They looked good and are now in the freezer. Once I finish off the bin full in the refrigerator I’ll test to see how well the taste and texture holds up to freezing without any special blanching or other treatment.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Zucchini Freezing Experiment #1

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Reflections of 9/11

The high blanket of clouds let steams of light cascade through like shimmering waterfalls
Canadian geese announce their passing as they fly in a perfect double V
The air is crisp and cool, refreshing after being washed cleaned by the recent storms
The trees are still clinging to their deep green summer foliage
The fall flowers are in full bloom as living memorials to the summer gone by
It is a day to be grateful for what we have and what we have had
It is a day to remember the sights, sounds and smells of the past
A day to remember the flames and smoke that consumed our innocents
A day to realize our actions and reactions echo through those we know and yet to meet
Today is a day to reach for compassion, respect and peace.
Seven years ago today I drove to work like any other day. Then it was like no other day. Co-workers became family. Family was cherished more then ever. The news flashed with the events in
I went home to my then husband who was so upset he was read from head to toe smoking on the porch. He kept repeating he wanted to ‘kill them all’. I asked who. He didn’t know. He just wanted to go kill others in retaliation. Once credit was claimed he knew who his target would be but had no idea how. His rage was now focused and he could do nothing but scream and cry. After a few days I convinced him to go out to eat. I took them to a local Afghani restaurant that we had frequented before. It took a meal talking with the staff that we had talked to before for him to calm down and realize that we, we as a country and to find a more specific target for our retaliation.
There are good hardworking people everywhere and, unfortunately, there are those that would rather destroy what others have worked hard for rather then take responsibility for themselves and work hard to achieve. There are great examples of leaders and humanitarians of nearly very culture and place on this planet we call home. Some came from easy lives and made the decision to be and do better. Some came from very difficult lives with great obstacles to over come whom have achieved greatness striving to make this a better place. No one quite knows why some men become Winston Churchill or Gandhi and others like Hitler. There are ways of raising yourself up that do not put down or destroy others. We were all created to live and share this planet we call home. We need to take care of it and each other. We are all unique and the same. We all have something to contribute, no matter how small or how great. What we do affects those around us. The pebble you drop into the pond of life reflects on you and ripples out to all.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hawaii: Loco Moco

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Fun Bentos

Snack bentos usually happen on Friday morning. I just can’t come up with something creative and decide they deserve a treat. My little mice love stick cheese. Throw in some crackers or pretzels, dried or fresh fruit, a veggie and a desert. Yes there is actually a vegetable in that photo and it isn’t a fried tater tot or French fry. There are these wonderful baked pea pods that still have some nutritional value of a ‘real vegetable’, Snapeas. The kids and I love them. I try to make sure they are only an occasional treat since a fresh or canned veggie has so much more to offer.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Prehistoric Bentos

The sandwiches were decorated with fruit leather flower cut outs. I used mini cookie cutters and strips of fruit leather. My daughter though that was the best part of her lunch. My son is still not to sure about any dried fruit. I think he would be happier if I use the cookie cutters for making cookies.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bento Wipe Boards

Monday, September 8, 2008
Zucchini Explosion

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Hanna Blew Through

The kids and I played in Hanna's rain for a few hours before having a warm lunch. They splashed in puddles, jumped in the pool, played in the wheel barrow (which filled twice from the rain) and raced around the house. I circled the house to check for possible problems. I cleaned out 2 down spout toughs and dug out the sod past one to guide the water away from the house. I stacked up a few salvaged cement blocks and capped them with a square one for a plant stand I have been meaning to put together on the drive way. I got some work done and the kids had fun. After a warm lunch, we got the kids to their beds for a long nap. We lost power so we ALL took naps. My son came and curled up with me. That is such a good feeling.
Our power just came back on... just over 3 hours of outage. We napped for most of it. Everything else at home seems to be checking out okay.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Bathroom: In Child’s View

In the bathroom to encourage hand washing I bought a step stool so they could reach the faucet easier. Ours is a The First Years Sit & Store Parent Bathing Seat and Stepstool. This sturdy stool with no slip feet also functions as additional storage in our small bathroom. I have it full of wash cloths for the kids. As the shorter step stool it can hold up to 300 pounds which is more then enough to hold both kids or give me a lift to change the shower curtain. If you turn the lid it is a few inches higher and a nice seat for supervising and helping baths.
Once the kids are high enough to reach the sink the mirror is still out of their reach. I picked up a mirror and foam sticky backs at the local dollar store. I installed it right behind the sink below the existing mirror. It is a the perfect height for the kids to see if they got all of the ice cream or cheese off of their faces or watch themselves brush their teeth.
Friday, September 5, 2008
How I spent my summer vacation: Day 9

I “tortured” the kids and refused to put in a video. They seemed to have a good time checking out what was out side of the van. We spent the 1.5 hour drive there looking for stuff along the road. On highway and in through town we were picking out different color cars, signs, etc. Once we were past town we saw cows, horses, lots of corn and other cool country stuff.
Shortly after we arrived the kids were introduced to the cousin’s dog, cat, gerbil, chinchilla, sheep and guinea hens. They were so busy playing on the swing set and in the pool we never got to see the rest of the critters down in the rabbit hutches and chicken coops. The kids watched as we shucked corn in amazement. For some reason it was more fun to watch there then when I do it at home. After a wonderful lunch and visit we headed back home. Both kids were sound asleep before we made it back to the highway.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
How I spent my summer vacation: Day 8

I came home with 3 pots of flowers and 7 small packets of seeds. We brought home two new flowers to go into the tree stump garden. I thought crocosmia (Emily McKenzie - red and George Davidson - yellow) would complement the tickseed well. Since the petunias were past I picked up a Vanilla Butterfly (pictured on the left) to go into the empty hanging pot.
I decided we would try some burp-less cucumbers and more black seed Simon and oak leaf lettuces. I’m not sure if it is too late for the cucumbers or if we will have a perfect fall for growing more vegetables. The lettuce plants should like the cooler

I also wanted to get some grass seed. The neighbor with the best looking lawn swears by the Merrifield sun/shad grass seed mix blended for this area. I took two large bags and over an hour of spreading it over the lawn. Now I just have to hope it works as well in my yard as it has in theirs. (I think they may be having the same hopes too.)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
How I spent my summer vacation: Day 5-7

Thanks to hurricane Faye we had a steady welcomed rain on day 6 and 7. August was a bit dry so as much as other areas were dreading Faye ours really needed the rain it brought. Luckily it was also a warm rain. I let the kids play in their kiddie pool while Faye showered them lightly from above.
We also dug through their bins of toys to play with some that were pushed to the back. We also had a few new presents to enjoy since my little princess had a birthday.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
How I spent my summer vacation: Day 4

After 2 days of chores we were ready for some fun. I packed the picnic basket with some snacks and drinks and we were off to the park. We headed for

It was getting late so we swung by McDonald's to pick up nuggets for the kids and a bunless Big Mac for me. We nibbled on lunch and had about an hour of quite time before we were off again. I was trying to get to Frying Pan Park before 4pm.
We made it to Frying Pan Park (Aug 4 blog ) just before 4. I had enough time to load to tired kids into the stroller and walk over to the dairy barn so they could see the cows get milked and a chance to try it for themselves. There were a pack of kids there. The gentleman brought in two cows with some helpers. He explained how it was all going to work and that each ‘kid’ (big and little) could try to milk the cow after he was done getting most of it with the machine. William was more interested in petting and watching the dairy goat get milked. Both kids petted the goat while the machines were on the cows. When it was the kids turn, Selena wanted to get in line and have a try. William said no. After all the other kids went it was Selena’s turn. She intently listened to the farmer and then gave the cow a quick pinch before she said she was done. After watching his little sister ‘pinch the cow’ William decided he could give it a try. After a few attempts he was able to get a small stream of milk to go into the bucket. He was quite happy with himself. We were then off to check on the baby piglets and other farm critters. We just missed the last wagon ride. We’ll have to go back another trip for one.
4-H was having a horse competition at the park. We watched two rounds of the horses walking and trotting around the ring before heading over to the small playground on site. After a little more climbing and sliding all over playground equipment we went back over to the horse completion. The horses were now going to jump! The kids kept begging to see one more horse to have its turn. We watched 4 or 5 horses attempt the 8 jumps before we headed home for baths and dinner
Monday, September 1, 2008
How I spent my summer vacation: Days 2-3
Day 2:
Okay, day 2 wasn’t as exciting. We were all recovering from the day before. We did some work around the house and the kids played
Day 3:
Today was an adventure in shopping. The kids and I went to 4 stores. Shopping isn’t usually my idea of an adventure but for a 2 and 4 year-old it is FUN. They helped push the carts and get the stuff from the shelves into the cart. Trader Joe’s mascot was hiding in the store so they were trying hard to find it to get a treat from the manager. No luck on this day but they had fun trying. We managed to get most of the things on the list before everyone just needed a quite lunch and a nap. I spent the rest of the day doing laundry and such while the kids napped.