The kids had another day off from school to celebrate brining in the crops in from the fields. So I took them back to Frying Pan Farm Park. How else would you celebrate the fall harvest? My small garden is showing them some of the joys of having a garden but it doesn’t quite compare to going to a farm with big furry animals, wagon rides and fields of corn. I also wanted to fulfill my promise of a wagon ride since we missed the last ride while the kids were milking a cow last time we were there.
This time we arrived in time to see the small farmers market on the green. The kids thought it was really cool they could pick out their own pumpkin. They also thought the Chinese eggplant I bought was a really pretty vegetable. We loaded our fresh from the farmer goods into the van and headed to the wagon rides. We and one other mother of two had a wonderful ride around the farm listening to the history of the farm, what each building is used for and what they offer horse riders. We were even treated watching a beautiful red fox running through the cow pasture.
As we ended our ride the rain started. According to the weather.com it was suppose to be SMALL thunderstorms. So we headed to the close by barn with about a dozen other mothers with young kids. As the rain came pouring down the kids were entertained by the not so small baby pigs, the baby goat and her mother, two draft horses and a dairy cow. When the rain let up we jumped puddles over to the rabbit hutch and chicken pen. Then it started to pour, again. We waited for a little while under a very small shed porch roof. We tried to name all of the vegetables in the near by kitchen garden and I explained the fencing was to keep out hungry bunnies and other critters. We gave up and ran back to the barn. The kids thought it was great fun. We petted the animals for a bit longer hoping it would let up so we could get to back to the van without being completely soaked. I could see it just across the field but we need to go around a long fence to get to it. We were doing okay until my daughter announced she needed the potty. Since you don’t want to discourage a potty training 3-year-old we made a run for it. We ran to the van then once we were buckled in drove and dashed into the bathrooms. I am happy to say the little girl stayed dry, accept for the rain. We drove home to peanut butter sandwiches and very happy kids who took well earned naps.
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