The edge of the walkway was evened out and braced with salvaged scalloped edge cement blocks. The end of the walk used a few pieces of the same type of cement blocks with smooth edges, sunken so it won’t trip anyone. The gravel was leveled and then covered with sand. The mason started sorting through our salvaged rock and the addition rock they purchased. He started the gigantic puzzle which will be our walkway. The cracks were filled with blue sand stone dust. It is beautiful contrast to the lighter stoned. I’ll have to go back and fill in some more stone dust as it settles but then I’ll be able to try to grow some moss between the stones.
The 3 remaining azaleas then came out. To our surprise there weren’t three plants. There were 3 large ones and 7 smaller ones. All were a beautiful dark pink. The 4 large dark pink from in front of the porch and 2 large light pink ones were moved to the front edge of the property. They are set a few lawn mowers’ width with away from the curb to allow visitors out of their cars and room for the plants to reach their natural 6 foot diameter.
The remaining small dark pink will be planted between the drive way and the vegetable garden, on either side of the lilacs (lavender) I just planted next to the tree stump. This should help break up or block headlights coming into the windows as cars come around the corner. It will also "balance" the other azaleas on the other front corner of the property.
I moved some green on green variegated hostas my sister gave me to where the dark pink azalea was by the porch along with some mystery spring bulbs (white flower) from under another azalea on the property. I know they have a white flower and nothing else since they were in such a bad place before. Now we'll be able to see them as soon as they come up next spring. I planted a new small lilac bush at the far end of the flower bed in front of the porch. It will have lavender flowers and will only get to about 3 feet high and 3 feet around. A much better fit then the azaleas which get 6 feet around. I planted more green on green variegated hosta at the end to match the other end. A large flower pot of day lilies (from a co-worker) went down the middle of the bed. In front of the day lilies I transplanted some more of the mystery white spring flowering bulbs. Hopefully all the plants will enjoy the sunlight and space. The sheppard's hook with hanging flower pot is all back in the middle of the bed.
Under the bay window I pulled a thick rug of sprouting weeds. I moved the solid green hostas (also from my sister) so they could work than moved them back and transplanted the rest which were still in pots along the edge of the walkway. I repositioned 4 other plants in the bed under the bay window to make it look more finished. The following day I purchased a few pots of marigolds, pansies, Angelonia (Serena White) and Vista Red Salvia to fill out the bed. I picked up 2 new solar lights to match the ones lining the longer section of walkway.
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