I'm learning to take before and after pictures. I find that some projects progress so slowly or turn out differently then planned that the full appreciation of the improvements can be lost in the process or over time. Usually I try to take the before and after pictures from the same spot but there are times the angle needs to be changed to show the extent of the change. Luckily I remembered to take pictures before I started this week's project.

This week's project was a small one but should blossom. The area by the air conditioner is visible from the street and is not a pretty site. It has a northern exposure and is partially shaded by the house and a large silver maple. There is a large window just above the space. I decided to get a new hydrangea to put in the space. My existing hydrangea (pictured above) on the other side of the house is a beautiful blue but I don't know if the color is from the soil or is a hybrid. I went to Merrifield Garden Center to see what they had in stock and ask a few questions. After describing the area and my desire for low maintance plants their helpful staff helped me pick a Hydrangea mac. 'Nikko Blue'. The Nikko Blue is bred to get big round blue blossoms and about 4 feet. It will get 4' in diameter so I can give it space away from the wall and the air conditioner. It will get to be about 4' high so its blue blossoms will be visible from inside but won't block the view. I added a few ferns from under a very over grown bush in the yard. Then finished the bed with some new red brick Techno blocks and wallah! A beautiful new low maintance flower bed that should fill out to give the neighbors a better view and a beautiful foliage and flowers for those inside.

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