Then there were the cups. We have several friends who make sure there are markers next to the stack of cups so everyone can write their name on their cups. Since this was a kids party I wanted to make the same idea a bit more kid friendly. Many of our younger guest can't write their names, yet. I purchased paper cups and Sharpie markers. Then I did a bit of recycling. I get tons of mailing labels each year with beautiful pictures in the margins. I never use most of the labels I get. I have been neatly cutting off the beautiful designs and using them for kid reward stickers and for craft projects. I had a small stack nearly 2 inches high. The kids and some of the adults seemed to have a great time decorating their cups with their own artwork or/and the stickers.
By the time they were done decorating their cups pizza arrived. Those who had run off to the play ground were able to pick theirs out from the others for their lunch time drinks. We weren't able to reuse the cups for the latter cupcake break because the wind was blowing them around too much. We needed fresh cups. In spite of the craft project not reducing the number of cups we used I definitely would do it again. The guest had fun and if the wind had cooperated we would have saved a tree.

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