Over the past two weeks I have been busy at work cutting and sewing the third outfit made from the fabric I bought while on vacation in Maui. This time I was working with a beautiful pink floral to make a top. I chose a dart olive green fabric to make a contrasting carpi pants to complete the set. The green fabric is a very light weight cotton. I was thinking pants in August in humid Virginia. I wasn't thinking wear and tear. I believe the finial result will be good for wearing to work or nice events (aka not crawling around on the floor with small children or rock climbing).
I decided it was time to use a new pattern after using the same pattern for the first dress and skirt set. This time I chose Butterick B4558. Since the first two tops seemed large I decided to make this one one size smaller. That was my first mistake. The finished pants just fit and the top had to be altered. After spending a lot of time to make sure the pattern on the sleeves were perfectly centered on the pattern, I didn't use them. I determined that if I attached the sleeves I would never be able to raise my arms. So the plan changed and it became another sleeveless top. I decided that instead of using lace for the 'modesty' insert I would use a piece of the contrasting green fabric. After most of the top, I tried it on and could not decide if I wanted or needed the insert. I've decided to wear it once and then decide.
The results is a very pretty and comfortable cool top and a pair of pants that have inspired me to concentrate a bit more on eating healthier and trying harder to take lunch time walks.
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