When I was first asked to join the team I had no idea how many people I knew who's lives were affected by breast cancer. Some who will proudly say they are survivors, others who would rather not be mentioned, and then those who weren't so lucky. When Nicole asked for people to join the team in 2007 I knew it was a good cause but was concerned about raising enough and being able to walk far enough. After a short meeting she convinced me to join. From there the reasons just grew.
In the beginning one of the reasons to walk was a personal challenge. Years ago a drunk driver hit me and I have had to adjust so many parts of my life around the injuries and aftermath. I can still walk. I just wondered how far. In middle school I walked 15 miles for March of Dimes. How far can I walk now? A team mate reminded me that that 15 miles was a LONG time ago. That challenge, wanting to defy injuries and my age helped me get to 17 miles last year. Along the way I discovered what my godmothers daughter was struggling with while I was pregnant with my son. At the time no one would tell me and I only knew she passed leaving behind a husband and two teenage daughters. During my fund raising I was finally told it was breast cancer. The walk had become much more then just a walking challenge. I was now walking for Rachel. Last year I promised her mother I would carry her picture as far as I could and I carried her for 17 miles. After the walk I found that my neighbor Pam was also a survivor. I raised $2,005.00.
This year I wanted to walk again. I wanted to walk farther and raise more. I did both. On Saturday I carried Rachel picture 21 miles on the course and another mile to catch my ride home with my family. On Sunday I returned to go even farther. After helping pack up the team's 7 tents, I walked another 13 miles on the course and another 2 miles home. This time I carried all the names. So Far this year I have raised $2,250.00
In Memory of
Rachel Reppert - god parents' daughter
Pam Baker - neighbor
Dorothy Waldbillig - son's teacher's mother
Glenda Lucas - team mate
Jana Allen - team mate
Rachel Reppert - god parents' daughter
Pam Baker - neighbor
Dorothy Waldbillig - son's teacher's mother
Glenda Lucas - team mate
Jana Allen - team mate
Next year, I'm not sure. I said this would be my last one for now because of work and personal commitments. But... after walking across that finish line on Sunday... I might have to go back. There are no words for what I felt as I heard hundreds of people cheering for the little I raised and the distance I walked. It was wonderful and overwhelming. I might need to try just one more time to walk the whole 39 miles and see if I can get to at least $3,000.00 next year.
Thank you, My Friend! You are a super star! I am working hard to stay positive. It is sometimes hard when hearing what I am about to face starting Monday - the dreaded Chemo:(