Glenda and Jana are Team MBA breast cancer survivors. Saturday morning as we were getting ready to walk they handed each of us two pink dog tags. We were given instructions to give away one to someone who inspired us and to keep one for ourselves. As you may notice in the picture I gave away both of mine.
Mohawk Man, Dan, is inspiring us all.
In 2006 he and his wife walked the DC walk together. I heard walkers tell me that they inspired them the last 10 miles. I heard how wonderful they both were to walk with and to know.
In 2007 I saw Mohawk Man. He walked in front of me for several miles. Across the back of his shirt he had photos and the story of him and his wife. Part of it said last year they walked together this year he walked alone for her. She was there but not able to walk more than a few miles. She spent most of the walk riding in the pink Caddy along with cow man. She passed in August 2007.
This year he walked again. This time he had her walking shoes hanging from his belt. He also left pennies painted with pink ribbons. Each time we saw one we were to think of her looking down from heaven. She was with him and with us. I spotted a pink penny as we were crossing the bridge from Virginia back into DC. I let Nicole pick it up as we all got a bit chocked up. We had heard the story but this was the first penny we found. Miles latter after lunch I saw Mohawk Man. I asked him if he had gotten a pink dog tag yet. He hadn't. I told him what my instructions were and told him he inspired my whole team I was just the first one to find him. As we hugged I told him we found one of his pennies. Teary eyed we parted. Sunday morning I saw him in line for breakfast and asked if I could take his picture since I didn't get a chance the day before. He agreed. He showed me he was wearing the dog tag saying he had to wear it. Latter I found several more pennies. I picked up two as a reminder and as inspiration.

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