After 2 days of chores we were ready for some fun. I packed the picnic basket with some snacks and drinks and we were off to the park. We headed for

It was getting late so we swung by McDonald's to pick up nuggets for the kids and a bunless Big Mac for me. We nibbled on lunch and had about an hour of quite time before we were off again. I was trying to get to Frying Pan Park before 4pm.
We made it to Frying Pan Park (Aug 4 blog ) just before 4. I had enough time to load to tired kids into the stroller and walk over to the dairy barn so they could see the cows get milked and a chance to try it for themselves. There were a pack of kids there. The gentleman brought in two cows with some helpers. He explained how it was all going to work and that each ‘kid’ (big and little) could try to milk the cow after he was done getting most of it with the machine. William was more interested in petting and watching the dairy goat get milked. Both kids petted the goat while the machines were on the cows. When it was the kids turn, Selena wanted to get in line and have a try. William said no. After all the other kids went it was Selena’s turn. She intently listened to the farmer and then gave the cow a quick pinch before she said she was done. After watching his little sister ‘pinch the cow’ William decided he could give it a try. After a few attempts he was able to get a small stream of milk to go into the bucket. He was quite happy with himself. We were then off to check on the baby piglets and other farm critters. We just missed the last wagon ride. We’ll have to go back another trip for one.
4-H was having a horse competition at the park. We watched two rounds of the horses walking and trotting around the ring before heading over to the small playground on site. After a little more climbing and sliding all over playground equipment we went back over to the horse completion. The horses were now going to jump! The kids kept begging to see one more horse to have its turn. We watched 4 or 5 horses attempt the 8 jumps before we headed home for baths and dinner
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