The high blanket of clouds let steams of light cascade through like shimmering waterfalls
Canadian geese announce their passing as they fly in a perfect double V
The air is crisp and cool, refreshing after being washed cleaned by the recent storms
The trees are still clinging to their deep green summer foliage
The fall flowers are in full bloom as living memorials to the summer gone by
It is a day to be grateful for what we have and what we have had
It is a day to remember the sights, sounds and smells of the past
A day to remember the flames and smoke that consumed our innocents
A day to realize our actions and reactions echo through those we know and yet to meet
Today is a day to reach for compassion, respect and peace.
Seven years ago today I drove to work like any other day. Then it was like no other day. Co-workers became family. Family was cherished more then ever. The news flashed with the events in
I went home to my then husband who was so upset he was read from head to toe smoking on the porch. He kept repeating he wanted to ‘kill them all’. I asked who. He didn’t know. He just wanted to go kill others in retaliation. Once credit was claimed he knew who his target would be but had no idea how. His rage was now focused and he could do nothing but scream and cry. After a few days I convinced him to go out to eat. I took them to a local Afghani restaurant that we had frequented before. It took a meal talking with the staff that we had talked to before for him to calm down and realize that we, we as a country and to find a more specific target for our retaliation.
There are good hardworking people everywhere and, unfortunately, there are those that would rather destroy what others have worked hard for rather then take responsibility for themselves and work hard to achieve. There are great examples of leaders and humanitarians of nearly very culture and place on this planet we call home. Some came from easy lives and made the decision to be and do better. Some came from very difficult lives with great obstacles to over come whom have achieved greatness striving to make this a better place. No one quite knows why some men become Winston Churchill or Gandhi and others like Hitler. There are ways of raising yourself up that do not put down or destroy others. We were all created to live and share this planet we call home. We need to take care of it and each other. We are all unique and the same. We all have something to contribute, no matter how small or how great. What we do affects those around us. The pebble you drop into the pond of life reflects on you and ripples out to all.
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