The kids thought a trip to the local
Merrifield Garden Center was as good as going to the park. We went to see what new flowers or vegetable seeds we could bring home. We walked up and down rows of beautiful flowers and plants. The kids thought the cluster of statuary was amazing. They wanted to touch or bring home nearly all the water fountains and bird baths. The variety of stone and cement benches was astonishing. The raised ponds of plants, coy and water features were great. The kids were able to reach and touch the lily pads they have been begging to touch at the parks for the past month. Walking though a place you have been to many times before with small children who have never been there before can open your eyes to how many wondrous things there really are before you.
I came home with 3 pots of flowers and 7 small packets of seeds. We brought home two new flowers to go into the tree stump garden. I thought crocosmia (Emily McKenzie - red and George Davidson - yellow) would complement the tickseed well. Since the petunias were past I picked up a Vanilla Butterfly (pictured on the left) to go into the empty hanging pot.
I decided we would try some burp-less cucumbers and more black seed Simon and oak leaf lettuces. I’m not sure if it is too late for the cucumbers or if we will have a perfect fall for growing more vegetables. The lettuce plants should like the cooler Virginia fall.
The kids picked out 2 packets of morning glories and 2 packets of Caramel Spice Pansies. We planted the morning glories at the base of an old tree. The hope is they will climb up the trunk. We planted the pansies in the watermelon and lettuce beds to add some cheerful color.

I also wanted to get some grass seed. The neighbor with the best looking lawn swears by the Merrifield sun/shad grass seed mix blended for this area. I took two large bags and over an hour of spreading it over the lawn. Now I just have to hope it works as well in my yard as it has in theirs. (I think they may be having the same hopes too.)
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