I “tortured” the kids and refused to put in a video. They seemed to have a good time checking out what was out side of the van. We spent the 1.5 hour drive there looking for stuff along the road. On highway and in through town we were picking out different color cars, signs, etc. Once we were past town we saw cows, horses, lots of corn and other cool country stuff.
Shortly after we arrived the kids were introduced to the cousin’s dog, cat, gerbil, chinchilla, sheep and guinea hens. They were so busy playing on the swing set and in the pool we never got to see the rest of the critters down in the rabbit hutches and chicken coops. The kids watched as we shucked corn in amazement. For some reason it was more fun to watch there then when I do it at home. After a wonderful lunch and visit we headed back home. Both kids were sound asleep before we made it back to the highway.
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