My Bok Choy and Wong Bok didn’t do great last fall because their late planting, all of the caterpillars followed by a few hard freezes. But they sure do look gorgeous now. I’m dreading having to pull them out to prepare the bed for a spring crop.
On one of my training walks I noticed one of the businesses I passed had what looked like bok choy in there flower bed by their main entrance. It was quite beautiful all in bloom against the dark red bricks and a row of pansies in front of them. And a gentle man walking by my garden stopped to tell me he had intentionally left a section of his kale bed go last fall in hopes they would bloom this spring because they have such beautiful flowers. I'm feeling less guilty about leaving in my failed fall crop and might just consider it successful spring flowers.
I do need to find an organic way of controlling the cabbage butterflies this year. Picking them off nightly barely made a dent into their population and destruction last fall.
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